As shown in the Old Testament story of Lot's wife has a psychological meaning. We certainly treat it as a simple narrative of the case of a woman in ancient times looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. But such a view it is almost impossible to take into account what the New Testament says about her. Jesus expresses very strange things about what he calls the end of time, or 'the end of the world. " He says: "It also was in the days de Lot; comían, bebían, compraban, vendían, plantaban, edificaban; mas el día en que Lot salió de Sodoma, llovió del cielo fuego y azufre, y destruyó a todos: como esto será el día en que el Hijo del hombre se manifestará. En aquel día el que estuviere en el terrado y sus alhajas en casa, no descienda a tomarlas; y el que en el campo, asimismo no vuelva atrás. Acordaos de la mujer de Lot."(Lucas, XVII, 28/32) Para comenzar, recordemos el relato de Lot. La narración está en el Génesis, y trata de unos ángeles que visitaron a Lot en Sodoma para advertirle que huyese con su mujer, sus hijas y yernos antes de que la ciudad were destroyed for their sins. The sons could not believe the warning, and the actual Lot lingered, to the extent that the two angels took him, he, his wife and two daughters, out of town. The story goes like this: "And was that when he had taken away, he said, Escape for thy life; do not look behind you, no pairs in all the plain, escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. And Lot said to them: No, I beg you, gentlemen, behold, even now your servant has found favor in your eyes, and thou hast magnified thy mercy hast done unto me in saving my life and I can not escape to the mountain , lest evil overtake me, and die. He aquí ahora esta ciudad está cerca para huir allá, la cual es pequeña; escaparé ahora allá (¿no es ella pequeña?) y vivirá mi alma. Y le respondió: He aquí he recibido también tu súplica sobre esto, y no destruiré la ciudad de que has hablado. Date prisa, escápate allá; porque nada podré hacer hasta que allí hayas llegado. Por esto fue llamado el nombre de la ciudad, Zoar. El sol salía sobre la tierra cuando Lot llegó a Zoar. Entonces llovió Jehová sobre Sodoma y sobre Gomorra azufre y fuego de parte de Jehová desde los cielos; y destruyó las ciudades y toda aquella llanura, con todos los moradores de aquellas ciudades, y el fruto de la tierra. Entonces la mujer de Lot miró atrás, a espaldas de él, y se volvió estatua de sal." (Génesis, XIX, 17/26)
*Todo esto tiene un sentido psicológico y se refiere al paso de una condición a otra en el desarrollo de sí mismo. Trata acerca de estados o etapas en el 'desarrollo interior'. O sea de cómo el individuo ha de abandonar lo que era antes y aquello a que se aferraba. Citemos una frase de esta narración. Este individuo, Lot, comenzaba a evolucionar. Tenía que dejar de ser lo que hasta entonces era. Discute, regatea y quiere irse a un pueblecito llamado Zoar. A la larga, el ángel accede y le dice: "Date prisa..'., nada podré hacer hasta que allí hayas llegado." Zoar representa un nuevo estado, una nueva condición psicológica; pero también es algo muy chico. Y al alcanzar Lot esta nueva condición, aunque aparentemente inferior a la que de él se esperaba, la versión dice: "El sol salía sobre la tierra cuando Lot llegó a Zoar." ¿Qué significa tierra? En el 'Padre Nuestro' se dice: "Hágase tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo." Cuando en su desarrollo interior el hombre alcanza un nuevo estado de comprensión, se dice que 'el sol sale sobre la tierra'. La tierra del hombre está en el hombre mismo. A fin de evolucionar, el hombre tiene que dejar esta 'tierra', tiene que dejarse a sí mismo. Tomemos nota de que "destruyó las ciudades y toda aquella llanura, con todos los moradores de aquellas ciudades, y el fruto de la tierra." En la condición en que se hallaba, Lot recibió aviso de que tenía que huir al monte. O sea que tenía que alcanzar otro nivel en sí mismo, un nivel superior. El ángel le dice que no puede ayudarle en tanto no se haya separado de su antigua condición, que lleva por nombre Sodoma, y en tanto no haya llegado a otra llamada Zoar. No puede destruir la comprensión vieja hasta que haya logrado una nueva. Pero Lot duda de su capacidad para lograr esta nueva condición de si mismo. 'No podré escapar al monte', exclama. Y, hasta cierto punto, suplica que se le permita pensar y obrar como solía hacerlo en su condición anterior. Hay una condición que el hombre alcanza en sí mismo; y en ella no sólo ve por sí propio la verdad del conocimiento esotérico que se le ha dado, sino que él mismo se convierte en dicho conocimiento al practicarlo en la vida de tal modo que llega a ser tan parte suya que ya no puede prescindir de él; el conocimiento ya no puede ser algo que lleve a la memoria cuando disponga de tiempo. Hay una gran diferencia, una diferencia inconmensurable, entre lo que el hombre sabe y lo que el hombre es. Ni puede su saber convertirse en parte viva de si, a menos que advierta el supremo bien que hay en él y se dé plena cuenta de que tal bondad es su aspecto más elevado y que también es de muchísimo mayor importancia que el conocimiento que hada él conduce. Primero se reconoce la verdad del conocimiento y luego su bien, su bondad. Todo conocimiento esotérico es germinal en cuanto conduce a otro estado. De hecho es algo que crece continuamente y que va transformando su significado. De suerte que va cambiando en el hombre a la vez que va cambiando al hombre. Así, el hombre no puede retroceder ni aferrarse a lo que comprendió una vez, pues eso equivale a volver a ser lo que dejó atrás. Y verdad es que estas viejas comprensiones le serán peligrosas. Uno ha de perder una forma de vida para poder lograr una nueva. Jesús se refiere a la mujer de Lot a propósito del 'fin del mundo' en 'el día en que el Hijo del hombre se manifestará.' But it refers to a man's inner condition, and the transition from one condition to another. And it stresses that: "Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose save it." (Luke XVII, 33) is an achievement of man, is about the attainment of a certain understanding that something that once was holy because it is meaningless. This means that his former support, their current values, which previously was sacred, and not say anything. This is the point, the crossroads, where anything can happen in it. So in the corresponding passage of Matthew it says: "Therefore, when ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in holy place (the reader understand), then those in Judea flee to the mountains, and who is on the housetop not come down to take something from home, and in the field return back to take his dresses. But woe to the pregnant and those who give suck in those days "(Matthew, XXIV, 15/19) is a pretty hard trance to discover that no longer has any value something that once considered holy. Take note that says in this passage "(the reader understand)". This means you have to understand psychological and not materially. The man has to reach a point where it must go forward, go beyond yourself, the more beyond what has been, or perish. Lot did not want move. Sodom, the city, was what he himself. I had to get away from another, or perish. When the abomination of desolation takes the place of what was holy to one, you have to "flee to the mountains." Because nothing can be worse than losing value and significance. And it is life that is responsible for placing us in such a predicament. And there is the esoteric teaching, 'the mountains', and we encounter. That's when the old life, or the futility of it all is destroyed just as Sodom, the city of the plain. This whole story is about an inner change and a rebirth. Referring to the abandonment of internal level you used to live, and the achievement of a new one. can remember, or read, this episode of Lot and Sodom. He recounts the visit after three strange men did to Abram and his wife Sara. Both Abram and Sarah have already served ninety years old and has announced that they have a child. Abram is renamed Abraham and Sarah and gives Sarah (Princess). In both cases, insert the letter I, one of the sacred letters of the name of Jehovah in the Hebrew language. You must realize that this is a psychological story that refers not to his son in flesh and blood, but a regeneration or rebirth. Sarah laughs at the men, then denies it, but it is not forgiving at all. 'Not so, but you laugh' le dice uno de ellos. Y en el capítulo siguiente a éste se da la falla de la mujer de Lot. Ahora bien, quien quisiera que avance un paso en el camino de su evolución, su anterior condición se ha de destruir. No puede nadie permanecer siendo lo que es y al mismo tiempo convertirse en otro. No puede una semilla permanecer siendo semilla y ser árbol a la vez. De modo que cuando vemos que la alegoría de Abram y Sara se refiere al nacimiento de algo nuevo, como el de un hijo, podemos esperar que en seguida se dará la alegoría de una destrucción. Lo viejo no puede contener lo nuevo. Lo nuevo ha de destruir o ha de causar la destrucción de lo viejo, tomando de lo viejo únicamente lo que haya menester tomar. Los Evangelios ilustran esta really referring to the idea of \u200b\u200bnot put new wine into old bottles. However, almost everybody thinks they can change without ceasing to be what they are, in other words, imagine that change itself has nothing to do with becoming different from what it was or is. For this reason it is difficult to understand that when the Scriptures refer to a new status (such as the birth of a son to Abraham and Sarah), the idea is always accompanied by some reference to a death. The new can not exist without the death of the old. Seed can not, as far as seed, also be tree. Due to the difficulty of understanding people do not know or realize, the reason why Christ died. They do not realize or do not know, that a rebirth or a new condition, must also mean an earlier death. In view of this, not surprising to find that once promised a son to Abraham and Sarah, also arises the question that something must be destroyed. In this case it is called Sodom and Gomorrah. But it's all an internal process, psychological. Indicates how man can indeed go from one to another level. Change the names, the characters are more varied, the scenes seem different, but everything goes inside, is psychological. These stories are written in the same language as the parables and dreams. Refer to the same internal process such as occurs, for example, a Pilgrim's Progress, written account 'semejante a un sueño'. Es decir, en el lenguaje del sueño. Pero todos tra tan acerca de una sola persona: el hombre. Y de su vida interior y el desarrollo de esta vida. Tomemos nota de cómo Abram, que ya se llama Abraham, suplica a Dios preserve a Sodoma. Dice: "¿Destruirás también al justo con el impío? Quizás hay cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad. ¿Destruirás también y no perdonarás al lugar por cincuenta justos que están dentro de él?" Dios accede a esta súplica, y Abraham nuevamente le pide que salve a la ciudad aunque haya 45 justos; luego por 40, o por 30, si los hay. Al fin, sólo por 20. Abraham termina diciéndole: "No se enoje ahora, mi señor, si hablare solamente una vez; quizás se hallarán allí diez". Y Dios le responde: "No la destruiré por amor a los diez."
Observemos cómo Lot no quiere abandonar Sodoma. La idea es la misma. Pues todos somos
renuentes para dejar lo que nos es familiar, natural y fácil. Nos es difícil abandonar el sentido
del propio mérito y de la propia virtud, el sentimiento del éxito personal. Se nos hace duro ver
que nuestra propia inmundicia (la Sodoma que llevamos dentro) se alza justamente sobre
estos sentimientos de mérito y de amor propio y en el adjudicarlo todo a la propia inteligencia. Los habitantes de Sodoma creían que podían conocer a los 'ángeles', se consideraban sus iguales en understanding. But Lot was better aware of the truth. She put the two boys at home and closed the door to the men of you doubt. This represents a
discernment, realize the fact of what has value and distinguish it from what has not
. Lot could distinguish itself with all these personalities
you doubt that were not worth a damn and were no more than just different manifestations of self-esteem.
were beyond his comprehension more intimate, and he shut the door of this intimate understanding. We must understand that love is different from love of neighbor and love God. These are three stages of internal development. In order to develop, man to leave behind the first, because all that way and forms the genius of self-esteem is not connected. It's just a bad machine. This is Sodom. Consider everything that arises from unrecognized self-esteem and lacking discipline. Emerge from it all the delights of power and possession, big or small. And all sorts of assumptions and appearances, all sorts of deceptions, falsehood, lies and "poses" external. And right there, but more deeply, born hatred, revenge, the unpleasant pleasure of hurting others, all sorts of cruelty and malice that result in a hidden sense of power in self-esteem and so inflated. All this is Sodom, whether more in thought, feelings or actions orbit. To be able to home in a new condition, leave, leave the old. So that Lot must leave Sodom, and men, or angels, urging him not to stop, to hurry, do not look after them. This is the story of a psychological journey. When a man passes from one internal condition to another, has done this kind of journey within. And these short trips are always happening within each of us. In us who are always moving. But here is a move from a lower to a higher level. Lot has to leave the plains and head for the hills. This means that everything in it has relation to its previous level has to die, he has to leave. The man relates, is related or connected by means very different to different facets of itself. Just as in the outer life has a family, mother, father, wife, son, daughters, brothers, sisters., So too is the inner world of thoughts and feelings and desires, their ideas, inspirations, glimpses of truth and knowledge, different moods, different about love, intimate perceptions, abstractions, purposes, etc.., etc. Lot's wife is one of these relatives, relationship, or a contact that had to be sterile. Paid off in terms of Sodom. The death over the last relationship is represented by the look back "behind him" for his wife. And she was turned into a pillar of salt.
All previous days revolve take the issue of a violation of esoteric truth. As with all things esoteric truth also is something that can be misunderstood.
not only unworthy people can reach that 'violate and thus become more useless', but can also fall into the inappropriate appearance of man himself, for man is not one but many. It has many aspects or facets. Therefore, you can get things the wrong way if it lacks the necessary understanding, and can convert all a matter of ridicule. Then this condition will be worse than it had before. If the esoteric knowledge was equal to any ordinary knowledge, if Fe could get into a college, mistakes people make when using it would
visible results. When this happens in ordinary life, we say the person has failed
who does not understand their issues and does not. But in the case
esoteric knowledge and psychological changes may occur, provided that falls on good ground, understanding is very different. If it fail, the chances of development and understanding of the person
are ruined forever. If we interpret the story Lot and Sodom as an individual process and the various aspects of man, and if we understand, however vaguely, that open and close the door refers to an inner understanding and an external one, we realize that is a separation between useful and useless factors for inner development. All items in men seek to deny the existence of a psychological development always requires 'do much against the man Lot' and always approach 'to break the door' (the Intimate).
were about to ruin the understanding of Lot. This whole episode is the psychological violation. Each of us carries with it enormous sources of denial and in a more advanced evolution and leads to transformation, launched a relentless war against man. But in this narrative is an indication that these elements were blinded, so that they could not find the door. This means that a degree of temptation, the man gets some help. I take just the top level is reached, and, so to speak, the opposing elements are diverted and blind. This refers to some aspects of inner life. At first they are about to break the door, but as soon as he accepted the 'two men' and when both are already in it, then get help. The story says that "then the men reached hand and pulled Lot into the house with them and shut the door. " (Genesis, XIX, 10) Another example of what can be called typical ideas that recur in esoteric psychology is the use of the word 'city' (or street or square). Lot men who struggle are 'on the door of the house' on you doubt. Require that the two visitors leave 'to know them. " At the material level, in Hebrew, this phrase has a sexual meaning. Expressions such as 'know' refers to sexual contact. But all the unions of this kind can be expressed in similar terms. Imaginative language, in allegory and
esoteric parables, these images are psychological meanings to communicate. And
point is emphasized in the case of Lot, is that men of the city should not have any kind
union with the two men who are inside the house. The idea that
man is like a house with many rooms, is a very old idea. We compare the internal constitution of man with a house that has rooms
various levels. In the story of Lot, the men of the city represent external aspects.
Lot represent those items whose understanding is external,
understanding is supported by the outside world which the senses report. There can be sown the knowledge of esoteric psychology in this aspect of man, as it always opposes
external to internal development of man. You must realize that there
something that is beyond what you see in the world. If the man takes it in the way he sees
happen in the world, is very external and lack of intimate reflections.
esoteric psychology begins to work when the man warned that there must be something else besides what
show him respect. Otherwise, the events of her life without
drag is in itself something capable of resisting the chaos of life outside. It
gives the same idea in the parable of the sower: "One who sower went out to sow his seed and sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled, and the birds ate the
. "(Luke, VIII, 5) The right, knowledge of the higher evolution of man is not to fall
'next to road 'in the individual, not to fall into those aspects' of the city
' or are in the streets, those who only have to do with life outside. The more external aspects of man is that relates to the world as we see, with their daily chores and the effects that appearances have on it. The
esoteric knowledge to fall on something deeper. it should reach the inner aspect. And as this happens, start inevitably a struggle between internal and external understanding. Lot so that has to fight the men of the city, as it is at a point where that can happen something precise. This immediately puts you at risk of losing the intimate understanding that you have. In fact, his intimate understanding
is in serious danger of foreign understanding the violation. When two men arrive, they tell you
spend the night in the square, but Lot 'urged them greatly, and came with him and entered
at home, and made them a feast. " (V, 3) This meant that I could capture the differences between what is
the world and what belongs to esoteric knowledge. He realized that
had the possibility of development, but had to insist on their reality. I had to say so, so that urged them to take them home and they agreed. Once at the house of Lot made that he could resist the men of "the city." Helped him resist all your questions and address all those aspects of himself that can or will ever understand. But Lot also found in that condition it can not break himself, and still wants to compromise. Can not deviate from their earthly understanding. So offers two 'daughters' men of the city. (V, 8) is not taking this in a literal sense. Its true meaning is that Lot wanted to compromise. Knew that was not violating the esoteric truth, but lacked the strength to trust her completely. The 'daughter' represent two points of contact that leads the man himself, and correspond to the feeling rather than knowledge. No offers his daughters to visitors, but the men of the city. The offers even though they are his daughters and, therefore, very intimate aspects of themselves in the sphere of feeling. Subsequently, these two daughters spend the night with his father, and thereby generate new emotional aspects of Lot. The two men insist that Lot give up the city of Sodom, which represents the condition it is in that time. Urging him to hurry, but delay Lot: 'And at dawn the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, why not perish in the punishment of the city. And while he lingered, the men grasped his hand and the hand of his wife, and the hands of his two daughters, as the Lord's mercies to him, and took him and put him out of town. " (V. 15,16)
And then he destroys Sodom. Destroys all the useless items for possible
human transformation. There is only one reference to men of the city that
were blinded for not giving the door. But this whole psychological story about who
versa can not against all the internal changes that are so necessary for a transformation
. This story is about a man who reaches a certain level and that on one hand lift and drag the other down. Still wants to compromise with the men of the city, this aspect is represented by his 'wife', or some intimate affection for the one who wants to go back. The angels tell him to flee to the mountains, that is, fairy fleeing a higher level of himself. Lot is unable to do so. Los Angeles, that is, higher understanding, they say: 'Escape for thy life. " It is not physical life, but psychological. They added: 'Do not look behind you, no pairs in all the plain, escape to the mountain, will be swept away. " (V.17) Lot complains he does not want to climb the mountain. Afraid. He says: 'I can not escape to the mountain, lest evil overtake me and I die. " (V. 19) Feel the impossibility of reaching this higher status if, and if you try, you die. Psychologically die for lack of strength to live in it. Please, therefore, be allowed to go to a small you doubt. Feel able to only see small change, can not endure that which was asked to do and know you have to do. Discuss with the forces that are transforming and says: 'Behold now, this city is near to flee, which is small, let me escape there (is not it a little?) and my soul shall live. " (V. 20) Angels is awarded, and one of them says, 'Hurry, escape there, because nothing I can do until you arrive there. So it was called the name of the city, Zoar. " (V. 22) Zoar means "smallness." No one can escape unless you have another go. A man can make a difference in itself, unless you have something to lean on. Before you can destroy the old must be present for the new. Comprehensive and reluctant to turn Lot could not go to the mountains, however, already had some form itself, something new in that shelter. This is Zoar. His reluctance was shown by the fact that his wife went back to the previous status. A Lot is told to not look back or stay fairy on the plain. The narrative states that "the sun beat down upon the earth when Lot came to Zoar." (V. 23) This language corresponds to his new state, its new interior condition. Lot reached it, a new condition in itself, but small, called Zoar. His 'land' was lit by it. 'The sun rose over the earth when Lot came to Zoar. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord from heaven. And he overthrew those cities and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of those cities, and the fruit of the earth. " (V.24, 25) The previous condition was completely destroyed. All that was growing in the ground in the plain, was destroyed. All of this aspect of Lot was devastated. "Then the wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." (V. 26) In the esoteric language, the salt has different meanings, and in this case refers to something sterile, dead. All that remains for Lot are 'two daughters. " Then the story says that Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, who settled in the mountains and stayed in a cave with its 'two daughters', and spread them when they had drunk with wine. This whole episode is the tremendous struggle that occurs in man and also how, in a sense, it fails and how, particularly regarding it led, was wrong in the end.
But the essence of the struggle is portrayed in that scene in Sodom, the men
city and the two men, or angels, they visit a lot at home. What we have to understand
is that this refers to different stages of esoteric psychology. It's about the internal conditions of a person who begins to evolve. Renaissance is the psychological
. It is a historical fact, as any event
the Gospels is a historical fact in its essence. Not a literal question, but psychological, and all these are written
whose authors were well versed in esoteric psychology. Taking in a
abuse material sense of the nobility of its meaning. And if it takes physically,
only produce disgust in those who read.
"arrow on target" Maurice Nicoll
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