Incredible. Cipriani called a social networking forum. I wonder, will twitter? Does he know how to use? (Indeed, in the event they did not leave twitter, over banned off cell phones and text messages!)
Who were they discovered what was sung, a little more than propaganda and slogans shrapnel say: Internet is bad, it undermines the values \u200b\u200bof being human. Best is to mix in the real world ...
Anyway. What can you expect from a fascist and an organization like the Church, not only late, but late.
The good: the song that launched Internet. It is so very bad that, as stated Ocram , our youth will be safe.
And the cherry on the cake. Speaking of fascism: Franco felt the same way that the Cardinal on this medium could be seen coming and that "attack" against the pure and chaste brains of sheep.
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