From the Shadows.
You were the most unexpected visit on my birthday and near the end of the day appeared. After 30 years. 30 years I'd seen only in photos: static, distant grin frozen on all we have left in snapshots or pictures impostada smile. Only in photos. But
30 years have not seen you breathe, move, walk, talk ...
And last night were the last visit. Suddenly came into my house, at 11:50 pm. And I saw that you turned a second to look at me (leave me with that fantasy), drew a small, soft smile. You appeared from the shadows, in minute 2.34 to disappear instantly, in a dark corner of the house. You
there and my mom, all pretty, in minute 1.00. The two happy, unaware of what fate had destined for you, five years away from the end of the story, five years of that bridge, the crane and Renault.
I looked, 35 years away and as always, from the shadows.